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Strava – How to add videos to your activities

Strava – How to add videos to your activities

A quick guide on how to add videos to Strava activities

* Note: This feature is just starting to roll out as of June 15th, 2022 to a limited amount of users but will be available for all users by the beginning of July 2022.

Strava has made strides in the last few years adding ways to spice up your activity feed if you don’t have a photo, with map visualization styles like their speed map, elevation map, heart rate map, and power map. They also recently added a new 3D map style feature.

Now, Strava is adding what may arguably be the most requested feature by athletes – the ability to upload videos in addition to photos.

How it works (Video below)

  1. To upload videos to your activity, simply click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of the Strava app.
  2. Tap on Add Media and choose the video you’d like to upload. You can use any orientation of video that you’d like: landscape, vertical, square, etc…
  3. Strava will then process the video and after a minute or two, your video should be processed and you should see it in your feed. Videos autoplay when you view the activity and they also automatically loop.

Videos are limited to 30 seconds in length so if you have a video longer than 30 seconds, Strava will automatically trim off anything past 30 seconds. However, even though each video clip is limited to 30 seconds, they allow you to upload an unlimited amount of videos to an activity.

From the viewing perspective, videos autoplay when they scroll down through their feed however you can turn off autoplay if you’d like in your Strava settings.

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